When we announced the "Blog Your Way to Kelowna" competition at FBC2014, we were excited to be teaming up with such great organizations and offer this opportunity to FBC members. The grand prize of course being a spot at the 2015 Okanagan Food and Wine Writers' Workshop in Kelowna, British Columbia and airfare! The goal was to have Canadian food bloggers share their stories about great Canadian tastemakers in and around the country while also giving a chance to have their work read by our esteemed panel of judges.
Today, we are thrilled to announce the shortlist and unveil the short-listed bloggers' names and their fantastic food blogs. The winner will be announced on May 1, 2015.

The five short-listed entries are below in alphabetical order. We have attached the blogger names and their URLs to the short list.
- A Visit to Sober Island Oysters by Lia Rinaldo
- Brewing New Life into an Old Pear by Tiffany Mayer
- Getting to Know: Chef Rob Bragagnolo by Annie Chu
- On Returning Home by Aimée Wimbush-Bourque
- Searching for Saskatoons by Renée Kohlman
Congrats to these five bloggers and thanks to everyone who submitted!
Speaking of saying "thank you," we'd like to thank the following people for making all this possible. First up, the judges...
This talented and knowledgeable panels of food media professionals who generously provided their time and expertise in reading every entry multiple times.
- Anita Stewart, author and co-author of 14 books on food and wine, a University of Guelph Food Laureate, and founder of Food Day Canada
- Dianne Jacob, author of cookbooks and the essential reading for food writers Will Write for Food (new edition coming summer 2015), editor and food writing coach;
- Robert McCullough, publisher, Appetite by Random House and vice-president at Penguin Random House of Canada;
- Melissa Hartfiel, co-founder and managing director of editorial, Food Bloggers of Canada.
We also want to thank Tourism Kelowna as our contest sponsor and providing the eventual winner a flight to and from the Okanagan Food and Wine Writers' Workshop.
Thanks also to the support by the BC Wine Institute.
And of course, thank you to Jennifer Cockrall-King at the Okanagan Food and Wine Writers' Workshop for graciously providing a spot at the 2015 edition of her workshop!
Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner on May 1st!
So very exciting! A big thank you to FBC, Tourism Kelowna, Jennifer, and of course the esteemed judges for this opportunity! It’s an honour just to be shortlisted among these names.