Name: Angela Liddon
Blog name: Oh She Glows
Where were you born? Moncton, New Brunswick
Where are you living now? Oakville, Ontario
Why did you start your blog?
In 2008, I started Oh She Glows as a hobby while I worked full time as a researcher. I’d recently graduated with a Master’s degree. My blog was my “happy place” during a time when I felt disappointed with my chosen career, and I wrote about this internal conflict, as well as my journey to health and recovery from an eating disorder. This eventually turned into sharing my favourite healthy recipes, and with time, a full-time career. Eight years later, I’ve published a bestselling cookbook (with another cookbook on the way this September) and a plant-based recipe app, in addition to blogging regularly. I wake up so grateful to do what I do each day. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t taken a big risk and followed my real passions.
How did you decide on your blog name?
When I started eating a healthier diet my friend Leah said to me, “I can tell that you’re being good to yourself because you have a real glow about you that you didn’t have before.” Her words always stuck with me and it became my goal to “glow” throughout recovery. I knew I had to incorporate the word glow in my blog name. “She Glows” was already taken, so I threw an “Oh” in front of it and never looked back! The name still has so much personal meaning in my life.
What do you blog about?
I share delicious, family-friendly plant-based recipes, as well as stories about my life and pregnancy/motherhood experiences. I recently started a fun new series, Friday FAQs, where I answer my readers food-related questions.
What post on your blog most encapsulates you?
Oh man, this is hard. I have a bad memory and can barely recall what I wrote about last week. Maybe it’s this heartfelt post called Notes to my Younger Self.
Which post do you wish received more love and why?
I don’t necessarily think my very first blog post should receive more love, but it sure is fun to look back on. I wrote my first post on Halloween Day 2008, called Boo. After dating for about 8 years, Eric and I had recently tied the knot and were starting our life together. I didn’t even tell my own family about my blog for a couple months!
Which post’s success surprised you and why?
My 15-Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta has been my most popular post (in terms of pageviews and reader lovin’) since I wrote it in 2011. I learned that people really LOVE pasta - and healthy sauces to pair it with! (It’s a running joke in this house that I may never publish another post that supersedes the success of that one, lol. I think I peaked early.) A close second is my Classic Green Monster Smoothie.
What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?
It’s probably overcoming the urge to compare myself to other bloggers. I’m always telling myself that I need to improve this or that, rather than appreciating how far I’ve come. I’m trying to be more kind to myself and accept that this is a journey filled with hurdles that make it all the more interesting.
Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?
I’m subscribed to hundreds of blogs from food to fashion to parenting! It’s so hard to pick just a few. That said, I always enjoy Plant-Powered Kitchen, The Full Helping, and Hummusapien, among many, many others.
Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?
I really love this super easy DIY Burrito Bowl recipe from my blog. We’ve been making it once a week lately, and my preggo self can’t get enough!
What are you working on next for your blog?
We recently launched the Oh She Glows Recipe App and I completed my second cookbook, so I’m now enjoying focusing on the blog more again. We have plans for a blog redesign in the future, but I don’t know where to start! Help?!
What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?
I’m an avid hockey fan, true to my Canadian roots. My husband and I go through withdrawal during the off season. My daughter (who is 1 1/2 years old) now loves to imitate us and scream YAAAAAYYYY! at the TV when our team scores a goal, so the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
What makes your blog unique?
My voice, and that my recipes are known for working out and tasting incredible all while being healthy.
What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?
I love the Blogger Resources section, and definitely want to dive into it more.
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