Food Revolution Day 2014 - Insiring Kids in the Kitchen | Food Bloggers of Canada

Did you know that the third annual Food Revolution Day will be held on Friday May 16th  2014? This year the focus is inspiring kids all over the world to get excited about food and teaching them to cook from scratch.

With over 40 million children worldwide now overweight or obese by the age of five (WHO figures, March 2013), Jamie Oliver believes it’s up to everyone - governments, businesses, schools, parents - to work together to help reverse this preventable situation.

As many of you know, over the past few years, Jamie has been passionate about promoting food education for kids and young people whether in schools or at home, and believes that we all “have a duty to teach children to understand what food does to their bodies if we’re going to make any progress in tackling obesity and diet-related disease.”

Food Revolution Day is a day of global action about celebrating the importance of cooking good food from scratch and raising awareness of how it impacts our health and happiness, starting with getting kids excited about food, making cooking fun and inspiring a love of food that will last a lifetime.

Getting kids cooking from as early as possible helps them to develop an essential life skill which will have a huge impact on their future health and wellbeing” says Oliver.

This year the global Food Revolution Day Ambassadors want as many people as possible to get involved - showing children how important it is to understand where food comes from, how to cook it and how it affects our bodies.  That involvement can be as simple as helping a child to cook a meal from scratch or getting them to try a new ingredient.

Food Revolution Day 2014 - Insiring Kids in the Kitchen | Food Bloggers of Canada

Ways to get involved in Food Revolution Day and get kids excited about food

For parents and their kids

  • Download some Food Revolution Day recipes and cook from scratch as a family at home
  • Download one of the activity challenges and get the whole family involved!
    Plant some fruit and vegetable seeds in the garden with your kids and watch them grow over the summer, then cook up something tasty!

For Schools and Teachers – download the official schools activity pack!

  • Bring in different fruits and vegetables, have the students identify them and taste them – who knows, they might find a new favourite.
  • Encourage the whole school community to visit the Food Revolution Day website and sign up to participate!
  • Encourage parents to check out some Food Revolution Day recipes and cook at home with their kids
  • Download the What’s in Season flyer and maybe arrange to tour a local farmers’ market
  • Encourage students to choose healthier options in the school canteen on May 16th – maybe they could choose salad over French fries for the day?!
  • Take part in Jamie’s live online cooking lesson allowing kids and adults across the world to participate.  They’re hoping to not only reach more people than ever before through this medium, but also to smash the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ™ record attempt for biggest cooking lesson in multiple venues over a 24-hour period. The current record stands at 2,012 – and the Food Revolution Day team thinks we can do better that!
RELATED:  The Weekly News for May 14

Ideas for workplaces

  • Make your own healthy-options sandwich bar:  get each of your workmates to bring in their favourite sandwich fillers and some different types of bread for a healthier (and cheaper) option than buying your lunch!
  • What’s more fun than a smoothie bar? Bring your blender into work (what you don’t travel with a blender in your purse?), ask colleagues to bring in their favourite smoothie ingredients then get everyone involved in making smoothies.
  • Download some Food Revolution Day recipes and organise a Food Revolution Day pot luck lunch!
  • Get in touch with a Food Revolution Ambassador in your area to see if they need help at a local event. Maybe your workplace can host an event too!
Food Revolution Day 2014 - Insiring Kids in the Kitchen | Food Bloggers of Canada

What can you do as a food blogger?

  • Sign up to participate and be counted in Food Revolution Day 2014.
  • Tell your readers how they can participate by sharing the information in this post. If every single FBC member took part in Food Revolution Day, that’s already quite the impact. If you share your participation with your readers/ followers, they’ll be inspired to take part too!
  • Find your local Food Revolution Day Ambassador and share your plans with them!
  • Don’t see a local Ambassador? How about applying to become one yourself?

Don’t forget to follow #FRD2014 online to see how people all over the world are helping kids get excited about food and share with your followers/ readers.

Twitter: (#FRD2014)
Instagram: @foodrev (#FRD2014)

So come on FBC Members – tell us in the comments – how are you helping to get kids excited about food this Food Revolution Day?

Food Revolution Day 2014 was written by Mardi Michels.  Mardi is a full-time French teacher to elementary school-aged boys and the author of eat. live. travel. write - a blog focusing on culinary adventures near and far. She has lived and worked as a teacher in Australia, Hong Kong, England, France and now calls Toronto home. As part of her job, she runs a cooking class twice a week for 7-13 year-old boys, Les Petits Chefs and Cooking Basics.  She’s also one of the founding members of Food Bloggers of Canada, a cook, baker, traveller, photographer, writer, Food Revolution Day Ambassador for Toronto and in her spare time (!) teaches French pastry classes (focusing on macarons) around Toronto. Follow Mardi on Twitter,  Instagram and Google+



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