Blogging for Passion & Profit is a collection of inspirational stories and advice from 20 leading bloggers and entrepreneurs on how they turned their passion into a successful business.
If you are looking to turn your blog, hobby, or side-hustle into a dream job, then this book is for you!
Contributors include our own FBC members like Melissa Hartfiel, Heather Travis, Ayngelina Brogan, Rosemary Molloy, Lisa Le, and Raymond Cua. It also includes big names like Julie Cole, Matt Molen, Jeff Hawley, and Danielle Rye of Live Well Bake Often.
All proceeds from the sale of this e-book from this site will go to Food Banks Canada.
for only $19.98

Lead Editor and Co-Author - Lily Ernst
Copy Editor - Allison Adelman
Book Designer - Maria Platusic
Co-Authors: Alejandra Graf | Ayngelina Brogan | Brian Johnson | Caroline Simmons | Danielle Rye | Darien Gee | Haley Williams | Heather Travis | Iva Ursano | Jeff Hawley | Jennifer Rizzo | Julie Cole | Kris Bordessa | Lisa Le | Matt Molen | Melissa Harfiel | Rachel Beach | Raymond Cua | Rosemary Molloy