Blogger burnout is a real thing. Do you know the signs you might be on the brink of burnout? Here are some things to watch for and some tips on how to cope!

5 Tips for Avoiding Blogger Burnout | Food Bloggers of Canada

Burnout happens to bloggers for a variety of reasons, and it usually manifests over time. Often, it stems from boredom, frustration and overexertion, and the end result is almost always “I can’t do this anymore.”

It can happen to anyone, no matter how big your blog is or how long you’ve been blogging for. Like any other aspect of your life that requires time and dedication, blogging can become unpleasant if you don’t find a good balance.

Although, really, I’m not one to talk.

As I’m sitting here writing this article I’m fighting off a flu bug, running on five hours of sleep, and I haven’t worked on my blog for over a week.

So I reached out to five other FBC members, and asked them how they prevent blogger burnout. Their feedback was very honest, and totally relatable. Check out what they had to say below, as we explore some common red flags that say you’re about to crash and burn.

Common signs of blogger burnout (and ways to overcome them):

1. You feel like you’re running out of new ideas for blog posts, or that you don’t have anything worthwhile to add to the blogosphere.

Solution: Your readers come to you because of your writing style and personality, so don’t stress about it. If you need help coming up with blog post ideas, why not use some writing prompts to help you out?

“When I'm really stuck in a rut, I try to get inspired. Whether it's reading cookbooks, having lunch with a friend, or just looking at food porn on social media. I think that's the most important thing — staying inspired.” – Bernice from Dish 'n' the Kitchen

2. You’re frustrated that your stats aren’t where you think they should be, despite the fact that you’ve been churning out content to keep people coming back.

Solution: Try not to look at your stats too often. It can be easy to get caught up in the numbers, and creating content for the sake of better stats is no fun! Plus, if you’re forcing yourself to blog too often, chances are you’re not putting out your best work.

If you really must keep an eye on them, it’s a good idea to learn which stats are the most important to food bloggers.

“Stepping away from my blog was probably one of the best things I could have done. I posted about once a week or so, so I kept it going semi-regularly, but I allowed my life to settle before I stepped back into the blogging limelight (so to speak). Pacing myself allowed me to make good recipes that kept my blog alive and readers actually still interested.” – Lisa from The Viet Vegan

3. You’re spending a lot of time creating new content for your blog and keeping up with all of your social media accounts. You’re also struggling to find time for yourself, or to spend with your friends and family.

Solution: Turn off your phone and your computer, and take a break. Yes, your blog is important but so is your health and your relationships with other people.

"I regularly take stock: Am I happy with what I'm creating? How do I feel about my schedule? Do I have time to exercise and to spend quality time with those I care about? If I'm uncomfortable, I take a step back. The great thing about our blogs is that it gives us a voice and we are really the only people who notice when we're gone. That sounds sad but it's not — it's liberating. Our audiences are busy too so if we need a break, they get it. We can be easier on ourselves — they are.” Kristy from She Eats

4. You’re beginning to feel resentful, or angry, when you’re working on anything blog related.

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Solution: Sit down with a cup of tea and brainstorm the aspects of blogging that you’re unhappy with. Are you under pressure to create sponsored content with branded messages? Do you need to scale back on how often you’re blogging? Then take a look at this article on how to keep blogging fun.

"I find being genuinely excited about the topics that I'm writing about keeps me excited, and free from thinking that working on the blog is ever "work." I also find that keeping a solid breakdown of the tasks I have to complete not only helps me keep everything organized, but it also helps me stay motivated to finishing especially large projects on my blog."- Katherine from The Piquey Eater

5. You’ve become a slave to your blog. It’s draining your energy and you’re feeling isolated.

Solution: It’s time to get out of the house! Try to connect with other bloggers in your area and meet face to face, instead of chatting on Facebook or Twitter.

“Take the time to leave your desk/apartment/kitchen and hit a local cafe for a change of scene and a breath of fresh air. It's so "easy" to work from home on the blog, to stay put at your desk and to never move. Eventually you end up feeling trapped and even stagnant.

I felt that way recently. So, I reached out to other FBC members to find out the tasks they do when they work at cafes. Now I'm trying to leave my usual workspace at least once a week, armed with my laptop and a list of things that I can do away from home. It's a good way to give you a jolt and also to remind you not to take things so seriously.” – Janice from Kitchen Heals Soul

Do you have any tips on preventing blogger burnout? Share them in the comment section below.


5 Signs You May Be On The Verge of Blogger Burnout was written by regular FBC Contributor, Shareba Abdul. Shareba is a food blogger and freelance writer. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Applied Arts in Media Studies and a Diploma in Journalism, and has a passion for writing, photography, and blogging. You can check out her yummy discoveries at or connect with her on FacebookPinterestTwitter and Google+.

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