Celebrate food, drink and culinary travel in Canada and you could win airfare, accommodations and a spot at the 2015 Okanagan Food & Wine Writers Workshop!
We're excited to announce a blog contest collaboration between FBC, Okanagan Food & Wine Writers' Workshop and Tourism Kelowna. Prize includes travel for the winner to and from the Okanagan Food & Wine Writers Workshop 2015 (Sept 11-13, 2015), registration fees and hotel accommodation during the workshop! Airfare is courtesy of Tourism Kelowna and the workshop pass & two nights accommodations is compliments of the Okanagan Food & Wine Writers' Workshop.

Contest Theme: Canadian Tastemakers

Share your story of a local food or drink champion or favorite spot to grab a bite to eat or have a drink, whether in your neighbourhood or on a memorable trip somewhere in Canada.  We're calling out to all FBC members to celebrate a culinary experience they've encountered in their own hometown or somewhere along the road. Blog posts should celebrate/discuss/educate the reader about one or more local food champions in the Canadian food community or a culinary product or products grown/made/harvested in Canada.

Kelowna, BC is one of the most beautiful cities in Canada with a wonderful culinary scene that focuses on farm to table eating. FBC members experienced everything Kelowna had to offer recently, we offer their stories as inspiration.


The jury will be composed of published authors, well-known food bloggers and professionals in the publishing industry.

Anita Stewart, Food Day Canada
Robert McCullough, Publisher of Appetite
Dianne Jacob, author Will Write for Food.
Jennifer Cockrall-King, Okanagan Food & Wine Writers' Workshop
Ethan Adeland / Melissa Hartfiel, Food Bloggers of Canada

A note from the judges

Tell us a story about a tastemaker in your community or a tastemaker that you have encountered recently. While we’re interested in how you integrate beautiful photographs and recipes into your blog post entry, what we want is a well-told culinary travel story, in an authentic voice that addresses the question of why the subject - person or ingredient - is important in the Canadian culinary scene. Moreover, the winning blog post will take us along on this journey and put us right in the kitchen/bar/market/bakeshop with you. It will even inspire us to seek out the same tasty adventure. Make us laugh — or cry — and include your personal connection to this story.

Some of Canada’s best food writers, editors and cookbook publishers will be reading your writing.  Be funny, be authentic, be interesting, be yourself. Good luck.

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Submission Criteria

A single-entry blog post, max 800 words. May include photos, recipe and video but it is not mandatory, nor will the recipe count towards the maximum word count. The blog post shall be original material, previously unpublished, and posted between Jan 1, 2014 and January 31, 2015 (11:59 pm). Only one entry per URL (blog). There is no cost to entry. All decisions by the judges are final. Submission links to be entered by emailing Ethan@FoodBloggersofCanada.com with subject heading "Blog Your Way to Kelowna in 2015!"

Contest Timelines

The contest and contest details will be launched during FBC2014.

Contest Closes, 11:59 pm (Pacific Time) January 31, 2015.

Long List will be announced March 1, 2015

Short List will be announced April 15, 2015

Winner will be announced May 1, 2015

About the Okanagan Food and Wine Writers' Workshop

In 2015 from Sept. 11-13, the Okanagan Food & Wine Writers’ Workshop will be celebrating it's 6th year. It is three days of eating, drinking, learning and networking with North America’s top food & wine writers and editors. Held in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia within the Okanagan Valley, it's a weekend of professional development and gastronomic experiences within one of the most celebrated food and wine regions within North America. In 2015, it will e held at Hotel Eldorado and Manteo Resort.

The workshop is open to writers of all levels, and is designed to inform, inspire, and motivate writers as they move their careers forward through professional development workshops.Kelowna, BC

About Tourism Kelowna

Free your Spirit in Kelowna: Every inch a city, and yet every bit as scenic and abundant as wine country can be. Kelowna is the perfect balance for the travler in search of boutique experience. Beaches and fruit stands, wineries and fairways, hiking trails and "boulderfields", and miles of singletrack encircle the city. Lakeside, even the main street ends at a beach.

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Jennifer Cockrall-King

Hi Heather. Thanks for your interest. I’ll have the pricing and registration materials on the website early this spring. But mark the dates, Sept 11 – 13. We’ll be based out of the Hotel Eldorado and the Manteo. The early bird rates are usually around $500 for the 2.5 days (all meals, excursions, and professional development sessions); and the regular rate is about $600. Sign up for the newsletter to keep up to date on all things food and wine writers workshop related. There’s a newsletter sign up on the left column of the website. Keep in touch. Nice to meet a fellow food writer in the valley! Jennifer

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