It's that time of year again! Local Food Week is back and we're excited to celebrate all the amazing foods grown and produced in Ontario! Local Food Week is a province-wide celebration recognizing all of the people who grow, eat, process, package, transport and cook. In honour of Local Food Week, we're co-hosting a Twitter party to talk #LOVEONTFOOD with our friends at Foodland Ontario! We'll also have some special guests joining us and of course some awesome prizes!

Hosts: @FoodlandOnt, @FoodBloggersCA
Time: Wednesday, June 3rd from 9-10PM ET
Prizing: Four (4) gift packs from Foodland Ontario partners with a $50 grocery gift card of your choice of stores!
*Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the party but only residents from Ontario are eligible to win the prizes.
Be sure to RSVP below to participate and make sure you’re following all of our Twitter Party team! To RSVP, put your twitter handle (@mytwittername) in the “Your Name” box and the link to your twitter profile in the “Your URL” box.
For all rules and regulations, click here.
i shall look forward to it 😀 (@jemrah1)
Looking forward to learning more about Ontario fruits and vegetables.
Looking forward to the chat!
Hello – I’ve never heard of Twitter Party before. I read through rules, but I can’t figure out what we are supposed to submit? Is it a tweet about a recipe made from Ontario ingredients? I’m confused…
Hi Julia! The Twitter Party isn’t a contest. Rather, more of a conversation taking place over Twitter as everyone is using the same hashtag which is #loveONTfood. Everyone who wants to participate just joins in the conversation by using that hashtag on the end of their tweets. Its taking place on Wednesday, June 3 at 9pm over Twitter!
Thank you!!
Having trouble signing up
Hope we can stir up as much attention to Local Food Week as we did last year! #loveONTfood
We couldn’t agree more Resi. We are looking forward to making this year’s Local Food Week a huge celebration of local food!
Can’t wait!
Always promoting healthy eating! #loveontfood
thanks for the party 🙂
Yay! Can’t wait!
Can’t wait to chat Ontario food!
Looking forward to the party!
Can’t wait! (@MelissaFinn)
Looking forward to joining the conversation!
Looking forward to some delicious inspiration! (@BAY_OF_QUINTE / @lalalalaurav)
I love Ontario Food!! See you soon 🙂
Can’t wait!
Good things growww in Ontario 😀
Ontario has so many awesome local food options!
@karasfavourites LOVES local Ontario food!
See you then! (@canadianlinz)
Can’t Wait!
Excited to talk about local, seasonal produce here in ON (@kalleelins)
Looking forward to this! As local food producers/farmers, we support local food week (and buying local) wholeheartedly 🙂
Excited to be there!
Local recipe blogging season is here!!! can’t wait to cook up a storm.
Can’t wait!
Excited to see how everyone else is supporting local businesses & farms!
I’m excited to talk fresh food!
Looking forward to it!
woohoo exciting
#eatlocal #always!
Looking forward to awesome discussion about how much everyone #loveONTFood!
looking forward to it! Best time of year baby! Already been hitting up the farmers’ markets!
Sign up completed. Problem solved. 🙂
Looking forward to the chat
Looking forward to this chat
Looking forward to talking about local Ontario food tonight!
So Excited!
Lets get this parted started
Thx rsvpd
I’m in on the party
Let’s talk food!!
Love Local!
This week, enjoying local rhubarb and asparagus.
Awesome party!