I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but September is around the corner and that means Back to School! Of course, if you have children, you already know this and you've likely been loading up already with new pencils and notebooks (do those even exist anymore?)

In reality, September is the time that all of us should be looking to go back to school, learn something and challenge ourselves. Summer vacation is over and we can push our brains to think a little harder than usual. It's easy to get into a comfort zone when it comes to blogging because no one is grading you. Unless you're pushing your own boundaries, it is quite possible that your photos are likely in a rut, your writing has reached a plateau and you're likely missing out on some newfangled SEO trick that all the cool kids are doing in the parking lot after class.

No one is suggesting that you enroll in some 4 year degree, but an evening class or something on the weekend will likely give yourself the challenge you didn't even know you needed. Learning something new is never going to be a bad thing.

A cooking, photography, writing, social media or some type of coding class are all around you, be it online or in a physical classroom, all you have to do is look for it. Challenge yourself and make September back to school for you too!


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