FBC Featured Member: Clean Eating Goddess | Food Bloggers of Canada

Name: Jen Udashkin

Blog name: Clean Eating Goddess

Where were you born? Montreal, Quebec

Where are you living now? Montreal, Quebec

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog to have a platform to share my recipes and to interact with wonderful people wanting to know more about eating clean.

How did you decide on your blog name?

This was one of the hardest parts in starting my blog. First of all, you need to make sure the name is an available web domain and free on social media. Then, you need to make sure it is meaningful to you. People often associate the word goddess with appearances. To me, a goddess (or god) is someone who is authentic, honest, and confident. Being a goddess means that you inspire simply because you live a life that is true to your values, opinions and goals.  A goddess focuses on self-awareness, acceptance, and positive thoughts. By being honest, aware, accepting and positive about my allergies and lifestyle I have been able to truly feel like goddess, inside and out!

What do you blog about?

I blog mostly about recipes but I also include information about choosing the right ingredients, cooking tips and DIY organization tricks!

What post on your blog most encapsulates you?

FBC Featured Member: Clean Eating Goddess | Food Bloggers of Canada

Oh it’s hard to choose just one! I’ll say my post on broccoli, shallot and potato frittata because it is one of my favourite go-to recipes and I was able to shoot this at my future husband’s parent’s country home. We love to cook amazing meals up there!

Which post do you wish received more love and why?


I’d say my Kitchen Pantry Organization post. Most of my readers are attracted to those mesmerizing food pictures but this post is SO useful! Since re-organizing my pantry, cooking and baking has never been easier.


Which post’s success surprised you and why?


My Herbed Walnut Quinoa Salad with Honey Balsamic Grilled Peaches was featured on Buzz Feed. That was a huge accomplishment and very exciting! People are still brought to that post everyday.

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

My biggest challenge as a blogger is finding the time to do it all and most importantly, to do it right! Balancing a career, school and a blog is exciting yet exhausting at times. I want my content to always be fresh and relevant. It is important as a blogger to see what is out there and to always be inspired.

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them? 

Deliciously Ella I have been following her since she had only hundreds of followers. Her recipes, blogging format and social media feeds are authentic but most importantly, simple. It has been a pleasure watching her grow to the hundreds of followers she has today.

Nutrition Stripped This lovely lady always has interesting recipes and a clean presentation. Her content is fresh and inspiring.

RELATED:  FBC Featured Member Blog: Boake Blog

Meghan Telpner Fellow Canadian, Megan Telpner is a true inspiration. She has shown that blogging can truly become a career. Her posts are authentic and always make me smile!

(editor's note: you can read our recent profile on FBC Member Meghan Telpner or check out some of the posts Meghan has written for FBC!)

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

Favourite food changes by the week so I’ll share my favourite comfort meal of the moment, oven-roasted tomato, pesto and pine nut pasta. The best for this time of year! I also really love French fries and will never live a life without them! Life is short, everything in moderation.

What are you working on next for your blog?

I just posted a delicious recipe for Mini Banana Chocolate Protein Loaves in partnership with Truvia. That was very exciting!

Up next, I am thinking a spicy take on chocolate bark. I also want to share some of my favourite natural cold remedies.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

Many people ask me if I NEVER eat anything that is ‘unhealthy.’ Of course I do. As mentioned earlier, I really do believe that everything in moderation is key to living a healthy lifestyle. Although I don’t think you should have a jar of jelly beans everyday, I do think that you should treat yourself to your favourite snack or dessert once in awhile. I find that when we refrain ourselves so strictly from having the foods we love so much, our relationship with food becomes unhealthy. A healthy lifestyle is really one that is about balance. Going to extremes, even if leaning towards the healthy stuff can often lead to a detrimental place in our minds.

What makes your blog unique?

I’m never trying to push you towards believing something that I believe in. I live my authentic self and I want my readers to be the best version of themselves. So whether one adapts a Clean Eating Goddess lifestyle once a month, or everyday; I want my readers to do what works for them.

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

I love the food blogging tips! I get emails everyday with exciting new recipes and ways to improve my blog.

Follow Jen and Clean Eating Goddess on Social Media.

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