FBC Featured Member: New Era | Food Bloggers of Canada

Name: Akina Era

Blog name: New Era

Where were you born? Vancouver

Where are you living now? Vancouver

Why did you start your blog?

I first started blogging to take my mind off school and get my creative juices flowing. It eventually turned into a pursuit to get my culinary skills on a roll so that one day I can be just as good of a cook as my papa!

How did you decide on your blog name?

“New Era” came to be because I had just started university and it seemed like I was entering a new chapter in my life. “Era” also happens to be my middle name!

What do you blog about?

My blog seems to centralize around food, but there are times when I dabble around travel and crafts. When it comes to the food though, I often share recipes that are wholesome and nourishing. I like to incorporate lots of neat and vibrant looking fruits and vegetables into my dishes!

What post on your blog most encapsulates you?

FBC Featured Member: New Era | Food Bloggers of Canada


I love embedding asian flavours into my dishes since those are flavours that I typically grew up with. This edamame dip and baked lotus root encompasses my Japanese side while still remaining relatively western.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

FBC Featured Member: New Era | Food Bloggers of Canada

I was so incredibly pleased with how this lentil walnut loaf turned out (probably because my papa gave me some pointers). It is so tasty and makes a great vegetarian alternative for meatloaf. Plus lunch for the next day is something you look forward to; that is if you even have any leftovers...

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

FBC Featured Member: New Era | Food Bloggers of Canada

Kimchi fried rice! It’s such a common Korean dish that has already been done so many times. But hey, it is ridiculously delicious, so I guess it isn’t that surprising after all.

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

The writing is definitely the hardest part. It takes me a long time to organize my words so writing even a short blurb can get frustrating. I feel like I would enjoy it more if I didn’t have to do as much academic writing for school! However, I think challenges make for great opportunities to grow and improve. The more practice I get, the easier it gets. *fingers crossed*

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?

Food 52. Their site is like an online food encyclopedia. It is my dream to be their dorky little intern in NYC one day and to temporarily eat my way through the city.

my name is yeh. I have a lot of love for Molly Yeh’s writing and photos. You can count on her posts to be filled with quirky charm. She also inspires me to bake more cakes!

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i am a food blog. She’s from Vancouver, makes exquisite looking noms, and has a love for Totoro. I don’t think I could ask for more.

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

I love any good quality vegetarian food. My favourite vegetarian restaurant in Vancouver is “The Naam” - consistently tasty, great vibes, and it’s got me filled with plenty of memorable laughs with my friends.

What are you working on next for your blog?

At some point this year, I want to make a magically beautiful cake that is so whimsical that even Martha Stewart would give it a seal of approval. On a larger scale, I hope to learn how to take better pictures, especially with artificial light so I can take good quality pictures of food even on dark wintery nights when the sun decides to hide.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

I aspire to become a Home Economics teacher one day, a cool and hip one though hehe. I have been getting some experience working with food programs for kids and so far it’s been a real treat! It’s a good feeling when kids grow to take an interest in the food their eating and realize that cooking can be fun.

What makes your blog unique?

That’s something I’ve got to work on. I’m still trying to figure out what my niche is! As I keep blogging I hope that one day there comes a point when I’m like “bam, that’s it!” Maybe I’ll get all funky and make some Japanese-German fusion food, that would be neat.

What’s your Favourite FBC Feature?

I like looking at the featured blogs! It’s really really interesting to see what other people are blogging about and get inspired by their ideas. It’s also encouraging to see that there are other people out there who share similar passions to myself.

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