It's that time of year where we start to look back and reflecting on all that's happened throughout the year. So what better then taking a look at some of our most popular posts from 2013!
Some of our top 10 were no-brainers. And others were a big surprise! So between now and New Year's Eve, we'll be sharing them with you. If you missed a few posts throughout the year or are a new member, then these are the articles you'll want to make sure you check out.
We see all sorts of strange stuff at FBC so it takes a lot to shock us. Sometimes a post does better than expected, sometimes worse. But it's very rare that something completely blows our expectations out of the water. And our Grey Cup Recipe Roundup did just that, clocking in at the #1 spot for 2013. By a LONG shot.
All our Recipe Roundup posts do very well but their life span is usually seasonal so when averaged out over a year, making the top ten is tough for them. But even when our Grey Cup post was averaged out it was so far ahead of all our other 2013 posts we had to double and triple check the numbers. Who knew there were so many Grey Cup parties happening across Canada? Well... now WE do! We hope all our bloggers who participated saw some traffic come there way from the post.
And may we suggest to all our recipe bloggers out there, consider doing a Grey Cup party post next year over a Super Bowl post - we're willing to bet your organic search traffic will go crazy!
We hope you've enjoyed this fun recap of our Top Ten Posts of 2013 - be sure to check out the whole list for some great tips, ideas and entertainment. And we can't wait to share more great blogging resources, recipe roundups and restaurant roundups with you in 2014!
Top 10 FBC Posts of 2013
- Honorable Mention - Renaming and Rebranding Your Blog: What You Need to Know
- #10 - Top Ten Tips to Help You Get The Most Out of Working With Brands
- #9 - Editorial Calendars: What They Are and Why You Need One
- #8 - Restaurant Roundup - Canada's Best Poutine
- #7 - Five Ways to Use Pinterest to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog
- #6 - Restaurant Roundup - Canada's Favourite Food Trucks
- #5 - How To Increase Your Blog's Page Views Per Visit
- #4 - Dianne Jacob on Making Money From Your Blog
- #3 - Everything Bloggers Need to Know About NoFollow Links
- #2 - How Much Should I Charge - Pricing Your Work Part 1 & 2
- #1
[…] Top FBC Posts of 2013 Countdown from Food Bloggers of Canada […]