Crispy Quinoa Shrimp
Crispy Quinoa Shrimp by Sean Neild in the FBC Photo Group on flickr.
brought to you by Janes Family Foods.

FBCFeast Tweetups

A reminder that tonight FBC is co-hosting the next FBC/Feast tweetup in Saskatoon at the Rook and Raven.  If you’re in that part of the world, come on out and meet Lindsay and Dana and our FBC co-host Andrea MacLeod for a fun evening of mingling and nibbles!  You can register (it’s free!)  on Eventbrite! Hope everyone has a great time tonight!

Exclusive Member Opportunities

We have all kinds of really great Members Only Opportunities happening right now so please be sure to check them out.  There's the chance to work with Minted on a product review, tell us about your favourite way to cook Canadian pork on the BBQ for a chance to win some great bacon t-shirts, get your cookie recipe published in EatInEatOut (and win a new Hamilton Beach Mixer!) and take a tour behind the scenes of Summerfresh.  There's lot's of great ideas there to get some fun new content for your blog and get yourself a little extra exposure and they're only available to FBC Members!

Television Casting Opportunity for Food Entrepreneurs

We know for a fact that many of our members are hard working entrepreneurs with food related businesses or are trying very hard to get a new food enterprise off the ground.  If this is you, you might be interested in applying to be part of a new Canadian reality tv show.

A Vancouver based production company is looking for creative, business minded people from a variety of backgrounds (chefs, cooks, self-made foodies, designers or business savvy entrepreneurs) looking to make it in the restaurant industry and have a vision for a unique food & dining experience that stands out from the crowd.  If you're selected, you'll get to meet with established restaurateurs and investors, share your passion and vision and potentially receive the financial support needed to succeed in this high stakes industry.  If you think you can create an amazing restaurant from concept to menu and want to make your dream a reality, you can apply at casting[at}forcefour[dot]com along with your restaurant pitch, bio and photo.

Good luck to all who apply!

FBC Newsletter Alert

Keep an eye on your inboxes this week as our August FBC Newsletter arrives this week with more things you'll want to be kept up to date on!

RELATED:  The Weekly News for Dec 31st, 2012

Member Recipe Boards on Pinterest

FBC Pinterest Pie Board

Over the last few months we've been hosting 'PINit Days' over on our Facebook page.  Basically, we pick a theme for a new FBC Members board and invite our members to share links to their posts in the comments.  We pin the links to the new board and it goes from there.

Last week we did a PIE board and man, did it ever take off with lots of repins! Looks like Pie is a hot topic in fruit season and do you all ever take your pie seriously!  So, if you've got a pie recipe or a favourite pie restaurant you've reviewed and you'd love for us to share, put a link in the comments here and we'll add it to our board.

And remember, if you are a member, you are eligible to join our FBC Members group board to share your latest blog posts (limit 2 per day and they must be from YOUR blog).  They can be recipes or restaurant reviews.   All you have to do is follow us (we'd love to add you all regardless but as a business account, we can't unless you are following us first) and let us know.

New Members

It was a quiet week this week! But that doesn't mean any less of a great big welcome to our newest members!

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your submissions directly to Melissa.

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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One Comment

A Canadian Foodie

Don’t know how I missed the facebook challenges… I have liked the page – maybe went to spam – sad I missed it and sounds like LOTS of fun. Good for you guys!

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