FBC Featured Member: My Daily Randomness | Food Bloggers of Canada

Name: Brittany Stager

Blog name: My Daily Randomness:

Where were you born? Kitchener, Ontario

Where are you living now? New Hamburg, Ontario… a small town just outside of Kitchener.

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog way back in January 2009 to participate in a “photo a day” challenge. Needless to say I failed the challenge! I quit at the end of February because I couldn’t keep up. That said, I was able to adjust the pace and the blog morphed into what it is today.

How did you decide on your blog name?

When I started the blog it was part of a photo-a-day challenge. At the time I was looking for a way to document my everyday life. I knew all the pictures I would be taking would be random glimpses into my day-to-day life, so My Daily Randomness seemed fitting at the time.

What do you blog about?

I’m a lifestyle blogger with a heavy emphasis on food, but I also blog about home décor, travel, fashion and DIY.

What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why?

Name: Brittany Stager Blog name and URL: My Daily Randomness: http://www.brittanystager.com Where were you born? Kitchener, Ontario Where are you living now? New Hamburg, Ontario… a small town just outside of Kitchener. Why did you start your blog? I started my blog way back in January 2009 to participate in a “photo a day” challenge. Needless to say I failed the challenge! I quit at the end of February because I couldn’t keep up. That said, I was able to adjust the pace and the blog morphed into what it is today. How did you decide on your blog name? When I started the blog it was part of a photo-a-day challenge. At the time I was looking for a way to document my everyday life. I knew all the pictures I would be taking would be random glimpses into my day-to-day life, so My Daily Randomness seemed fitting at the time. What do you blog about? I’m a lifestyle blogger with a heavy emphasis on food, but I also blog about home décor, travel, fashion and DIY. What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why? Tough question! There are so many personal life stories peppered into every post on my blog. From glimpses into my childhood, to longstanding traditions with my family. It’s hard to pick one that completely encapsulates me. My post about Emily Richards’ Cookbook comes close; it shows not only how hectic my life is right now (in a good way) but highlights my love for friends, family and food. Which post do you wish received more love and why? There are a few posts that I was beyond excited to publish and they never received the traction I thought they would, but the one that disappointed me the most was my Eggnog Bread Pudding. I LOVE bread pudding, so I was surprised when this one didn’t pull the audience I thought it would. Oh well, we’ll see how it performs this holiday season! Which post’s success surprised you and why? I’m always surprised when my super simple recipes perform well. I tend to think more people would be looking for ways to braise a rabbit or how to make crème brulee, but no, my recipes for Caprese Bites, Pear & Walnut Topped Brie and Roasted Nectarine Salad all perform really well! What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger? Finding the time to fit it all in! Like 95% of the bloggers out there I work 40 hours a week (well, sometimes it’s more like 50), so finding time to cook, test, cook, photograph, blog, repeat can be really, really difficult! If only I didn’t have to sleep… ;) Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them? (include URLs). I read FAR too many blogs! Seriously, you should see my Feedly account! My addiction started when I was working at Mushrooms Canada and reading food blogs was my job. In the six years I worked there I discovered so many talented food bloggers, in fact, I still read a lot of their blogs today. But for the sake of keeping it brief I will name my Top 3: 1. How Sweet It Is // This girl is a blogging machine, not to mention she is hilarious. 2. Oh She Glows // I’ve followed Angela since 2009. I love her photography, stories and appreciation for food. 3. Foodess // Jennifer is another blogger I’ve followed for a very long time. Her food styling is beautiful which makes her photography unique. Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination? This one is easy… pasta and seafood! There is nothing like a buttery Lobster Roll or rich Nero di Seppia with Seared Scallops! What are you working on next for your blog? Right now (and for the past 8 months) I’ve been working on moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress. It’s been quite the experience moving over 900 posts… and I really hope I never have to do it again! That said, it’s worth it! Oh SO worth it! What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page? I am obsessed with my dog Maddy. I had dogs growing up and they were a huge part of my life, but there is nothing like owning your own dog as an adult. If you’ve watched any of my Instagram Stories chances are you’ve seen her! What makes your blog unique? My photography & styling. There have been so many instances where brands and other bloggers have commented on the way I style my food photo, so I guess they really stand out… which is likely why my prop closet is on the verge of exploding! What part of the FBC site do you find most useful? I love photography, so the whole photography section really appeals to me! I also love reading these blogger features. It helps me to identify new Canadian bloggers I can add to my Feedly account! Social Accounts: Facebook URL: http://facebook.com/mydailyrndmness Twitter URL: http://twitter.com/brittanystager Pinterest URL: http://pinterest.com/dailyrandomness YouTube Channel URL: http://youtube.com/https://www.youtube.com/user/PinkPeacockDesigns Instagram URL: http://instagram.com/brittanystager LinkedIn URL: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/brittanystager

Tough question! There are so many personal life stories peppered into every post on my blog. From glimpses into my childhood, to longstanding traditions with my family. It’s hard to pick one that completely encapsulates me. My post about Emily Richards’ Cookbook comes close; it shows not only how hectic my life is right now (in a good way) but highlights my love for friends, family and food.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

Name: Brittany Stager Blog name and URL: My Daily Randomness: http://www.brittanystager.com Where were you born? Kitchener, Ontario Where are you living now? New Hamburg, Ontario… a small town just outside of Kitchener. Why did you start your blog? I started my blog way back in January 2009 to participate in a “photo a day” challenge. Needless to say I failed the challenge! I quit at the end of February because I couldn’t keep up. That said, I was able to adjust the pace and the blog morphed into what it is today. How did you decide on your blog name? When I started the blog it was part of a photo-a-day challenge. At the time I was looking for a way to document my everyday life. I knew all the pictures I would be taking would be random glimpses into my day-to-day life, so My Daily Randomness seemed fitting at the time. What do you blog about? I’m a lifestyle blogger with a heavy emphasis on food, but I also blog about home décor, travel, fashion and DIY. What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why? Tough question! There are so many personal life stories peppered into every post on my blog. From glimpses into my childhood, to longstanding traditions with my family. It’s hard to pick one that completely encapsulates me. My post about Emily Richards’ Cookbook comes close; it shows not only how hectic my life is right now (in a good way) but highlights my love for friends, family and food. Which post do you wish received more love and why? There are a few posts that I was beyond excited to publish and they never received the traction I thought they would, but the one that disappointed me the most was my Eggnog Bread Pudding. I LOVE bread pudding, so I was surprised when this one didn’t pull the audience I thought it would. Oh well, we’ll see how it performs this holiday season! Which post’s success surprised you and why? I’m always surprised when my super simple recipes perform well. I tend to think more people would be looking for ways to braise a rabbit or how to make crème brulee, but no, my recipes for Caprese Bites, Pear & Walnut Topped Brie and Roasted Nectarine Salad all perform really well! What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger? Finding the time to fit it all in! Like 95% of the bloggers out there I work 40 hours a week (well, sometimes it’s more like 50), so finding time to cook, test, cook, photograph, blog, repeat can be really, really difficult! If only I didn’t have to sleep… ;) Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them? (include URLs). I read FAR too many blogs! Seriously, you should see my Feedly account! My addiction started when I was working at Mushrooms Canada and reading food blogs was my job. In the six years I worked there I discovered so many talented food bloggers, in fact, I still read a lot of their blogs today. But for the sake of keeping it brief I will name my Top 3: 1. How Sweet It Is // This girl is a blogging machine, not to mention she is hilarious. 2. Oh She Glows // I’ve followed Angela since 2009. I love her photography, stories and appreciation for food. 3. Foodess // Jennifer is another blogger I’ve followed for a very long time. Her food styling is beautiful which makes her photography unique. Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination? This one is easy… pasta and seafood! There is nothing like a buttery Lobster Roll or rich Nero di Seppia with Seared Scallops! What are you working on next for your blog? Right now (and for the past 8 months) I’ve been working on moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress. It’s been quite the experience moving over 900 posts… and I really hope I never have to do it again! That said, it’s worth it! Oh SO worth it! What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page? I am obsessed with my dog Maddy. I had dogs growing up and they were a huge part of my life, but there is nothing like owning your own dog as an adult. If you’ve watched any of my Instagram Stories chances are you’ve seen her! What makes your blog unique? My photography & styling. There have been so many instances where brands and other bloggers have commented on the way I style my food photo, so I guess they really stand out… which is likely why my prop closet is on the verge of exploding! What part of the FBC site do you find most useful? I love photography, so the whole photography section really appeals to me! I also love reading these blogger features. It helps me to identify new Canadian bloggers I can add to my Feedly account! Social Accounts: Facebook URL: http://facebook.com/mydailyrndmness Twitter URL: http://twitter.com/brittanystager Pinterest URL: http://pinterest.com/dailyrandomness YouTube Channel URL: http://youtube.com/https://www.youtube.com/user/PinkPeacockDesigns Instagram URL: http://instagram.com/brittanystager LinkedIn URL: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/brittanystager

There are a few posts that I was beyond excited to publish and they never received the traction I thought they would, but the one that disappointed me the most was my Eggnog Bread Pudding. I LOVE bread pudding, so I was surprised when this one didn’t pull the audience I thought it would. Oh well, we’ll see how it performs this holiday season!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

Name: Brittany Stager Blog name and URL: My Daily Randomness: http://www.brittanystager.com Where were you born? Kitchener, Ontario Where are you living now? New Hamburg, Ontario… a small town just outside of Kitchener. Why did you start your blog? I started my blog way back in January 2009 to participate in a “photo a day” challenge. Needless to say I failed the challenge! I quit at the end of February because I couldn’t keep up. That said, I was able to adjust the pace and the blog morphed into what it is today. How did you decide on your blog name? When I started the blog it was part of a photo-a-day challenge. At the time I was looking for a way to document my everyday life. I knew all the pictures I would be taking would be random glimpses into my day-to-day life, so My Daily Randomness seemed fitting at the time. What do you blog about? I’m a lifestyle blogger with a heavy emphasis on food, but I also blog about home décor, travel, fashion and DIY. What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why? Tough question! There are so many personal life stories peppered into every post on my blog. From glimpses into my childhood, to longstanding traditions with my family. It’s hard to pick one that completely encapsulates me. My post about Emily Richards’ Cookbook comes close; it shows not only how hectic my life is right now (in a good way) but highlights my love for friends, family and food. Which post do you wish received more love and why? There are a few posts that I was beyond excited to publish and they never received the traction I thought they would, but the one that disappointed me the most was my Eggnog Bread Pudding. I LOVE bread pudding, so I was surprised when this one didn’t pull the audience I thought it would. Oh well, we’ll see how it performs this holiday season! Which post’s success surprised you and why? I’m always surprised when my super simple recipes perform well. I tend to think more people would be looking for ways to braise a rabbit or how to make crème brulee, but no, my recipes for Caprese Bites, Pear & Walnut Topped Brie and Roasted Nectarine Salad all perform really well! What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger? Finding the time to fit it all in! Like 95% of the bloggers out there I work 40 hours a week (well, sometimes it’s more like 50), so finding time to cook, test, cook, photograph, blog, repeat can be really, really difficult! If only I didn’t have to sleep… ;) Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them? (include URLs). I read FAR too many blogs! Seriously, you should see my Feedly account! My addiction started when I was working at Mushrooms Canada and reading food blogs was my job. In the six years I worked there I discovered so many talented food bloggers, in fact, I still read a lot of their blogs today. But for the sake of keeping it brief I will name my Top 3: 1. How Sweet It Is // This girl is a blogging machine, not to mention she is hilarious. 2. Oh She Glows // I’ve followed Angela since 2009. I love her photography, stories and appreciation for food. 3. Foodess // Jennifer is another blogger I’ve followed for a very long time. Her food styling is beautiful which makes her photography unique. Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination? This one is easy… pasta and seafood! There is nothing like a buttery Lobster Roll or rich Nero di Seppia with Seared Scallops! What are you working on next for your blog? Right now (and for the past 8 months) I’ve been working on moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress. It’s been quite the experience moving over 900 posts… and I really hope I never have to do it again! That said, it’s worth it! Oh SO worth it! What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page? I am obsessed with my dog Maddy. I had dogs growing up and they were a huge part of my life, but there is nothing like owning your own dog as an adult. If you’ve watched any of my Instagram Stories chances are you’ve seen her! What makes your blog unique? My photography & styling. There have been so many instances where brands and other bloggers have commented on the way I style my food photo, so I guess they really stand out… which is likely why my prop closet is on the verge of exploding! What part of the FBC site do you find most useful? I love photography, so the whole photography section really appeals to me! I also love reading these blogger features. It helps me to identify new Canadian bloggers I can add to my Feedly account! Social Accounts: Facebook URL: http://facebook.com/mydailyrndmness Twitter URL: http://twitter.com/brittanystager Pinterest URL: http://pinterest.com/dailyrandomness YouTube Channel URL: http://youtube.com/https://www.youtube.com/user/PinkPeacockDesigns Instagram URL: http://instagram.com/brittanystager LinkedIn URL: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/brittanystager

I’m always surprised when my super simple recipes perform well. I tend to think more people would be looking for ways to braise a rabbit or how to make crème brulee, but no, my recipes for Caprese Bites, Pear & Walnut Topped Brie and Roasted Nectarine Salad all perform really well!

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

Finding the time to fit it all in! Like 95% of the bloggers out there I work 40 hours a week (well, sometimes it’s more like 50), so finding time to cook, test, cook, photograph, blog, repeat can be really, really difficult! If only I didn’t have to sleep… 😉

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?

I read FAR too many blogs! Seriously, you should see my Feedly account! My addiction started when I was working at Mushrooms Canada and reading food blogs was my job. In the six years I worked there I discovered so many talented food bloggers, in fact, I still read a lot of their blogs today. But for the sake of keeping it brief I will name my Top 3:

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1. How Sweet It Is // This girl is a blogging machine, not to mention she is hilarious.
2. Oh She Glows // I’ve followed Angela since 2009. I love her photography, stories and appreciation for food.
3. Foodess // Jennifer is another blogger I’ve followed for a very long time. Her food styling is beautiful which makes her photography unique.

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

This one is easy… pasta and seafood! There is nothing like a buttery Lobster Roll or rich Nero di Seppia with Seared Scallops!

What are you working on next for your blog?

Right now (and for the past 8 months) I’ve been working on moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress. It’s been quite the experience moving over 900 posts… and I really hope I never have to do it again! That said, it’s worth it! Oh SO worth it!

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

I am obsessed with my dog Maddy. I had dogs growing up and they were a huge part of my life, but there is nothing like owning your own dog as an adult. If you’ve watched any of my Instagram Stories chances are you’ve seen her!

What makes your blog unique?

My photography & styling. There have been so many instances where brands and other bloggers have commented on the way I style my food photos, so I guess they really stand out… which is likely why my prop closet is on the verge of exploding!

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

I love photography, so the whole photography section really appeals to me! I also love reading these blogger features. It helps me to identify new Canadian bloggers I can add to my Feedly account!

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