brought to you by Janes Family Foods.
FBC Comes to Instagram and YouTube
We're everywhere, we're everywhere! Well not quite everywhere. 🙂 But we are popping up in new spots and we'd love to have you join us.
We're new on Instagram @foodbloggersca. Be sure to give us a follow as we launch our first monthly photo a day challenge on October 1st! We'll also be featuring members photos so check us out and use the hashtag #FBCigers to have your photo regrammed on our feed!
You can also find us on YouTube with our new FBC channel. If you've got a food related YouTube channel to go with your blog, leave us a note in the comments - we'd love to check you out!
Knickerbocker Glory Winners
We had three copies of Matthew Robison's Knickerbocker Glory: A Chef's Guide to Innovation in the Kitchen and Beyond (Paperback) to give away to FBC members and with the help of random.org, we're happy to announce our winners:
- #15 Barbara from My Island Bistro Kitchen
- #6 Shareba from In Search of Yummyness
- #14 Jennifer from Clockwatching Tart
Congratulations to everyone who won a copy - we'll be in touch for your mailing details shortly. And thanks to everyone who entered!
Coming Wednesday - Renaming and Rebranding Your Blog
Join us Wednesday for first in a two part piece on renaming and rebranding your blog from Michelle Peters-Jones. Michelle was the author of the very successful blog, Food, Football and a Baby and underwent a rebranding recently to The Tiffin Box, which has actually increased her blogging success. She'll be telling you about all the practical and emotional steps of going through a rebranding starting Wednesday.
Call For Submissions - Thanksgiving Roundup
We will be hosting a Thanksgiving Roundup here on the site on Tuesday, October 8th . To participate, send Melissa a link to a Thanksgiving related post on your blog along with a .jpg file of the photo you want displayed. Your photo must be 620px wide - no less, no more. Vertical and horizontal images will be accepted. The post can be a recipe, a restaurant or a holiday entertaining post. Deadline to have your links and images in to Melissa is Friday October 4th at 5pm pacific time. Can't wait to see all your great posts!
New Members
A big welcome to all our new members this week. We hope you have fun here!
- YYZ Gourmand (ON)
- With Love...From Nonnina's Kitchen (ON)
- 100 Mile Mark (ON)
- Hot Pink Apron (ON)
- Pamplemoussi (ON)
- Olive Oil and Lemons (BC/AB)
And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it. To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time. You can send your submissions directly to Melissa.
As always,
Melissa and Ethan
OK. Guilty. I find it very difficult to know how to size and send a photo at a requested size. I ask for them to be sent to me all of the time at a very specific size, and just size them myself if they don’t comply, but that is easy as I have a little application built for me that will resize all high res photos I drop onto it to 800 pixels wide. I didn’t make the app, but one of my developers did… so – can you please write a post for people like me – BEFORE October the 8th, on how to size a photo to 620 pixels wide?
WooHoo!! Thanks FBC, I’m excited to receive my copy of Knickerbocker Glory! Thanks 🙂