As food bloggers and just individuals that love food, we not only have the luxury of starting our day with breakfast but also taking photos of it. Many of us choose not to have breakfast, but that is our choice. In the case of 1 out of every 6 Canadian children, that choice is being made for them and they're not able to eat breakfast before going to school.


The Grocery Foundation is looking to make that a thing of the past! The Foundation’s Toonies for Tummies Campaign kicks off again this year from February 5-19 and we're proud to be their official Social Media Partner. Their goal of raising $1 million dollars is doable if we all do our part. If you live in Ontario or Atlantic Canada, starting today and running for 2 weeks, chances are you will see this visual when you're doing your grocery shopping. Cashiers will ask if you would like to give a toonie to fill a tummy.


In addition to donating your toonies at participating retail partners, you can also donate at and track your toonie online to see exactly where your donation has made a difference in local breakfast and nutrition programs. Although the program goes to benefit children in Ontario and Atlantic Canada, anyone in Canada can give and make a difference. The focus on connecting individual communities to the Toonies program continues to be a key focus of the program as does getting social which is why we  decided we wanted to be a part of this important and worthwhile cause.

Through Toonies for Tummies and their partners, that $2 cup of coffee, the change in your pocket, or a bottle of water translates into a breakfast donation complete with grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, orange wedges and a 1/2 cup of milk. Not only can a child now start their day properly but they can concentrate in school and actually absorb what is being taught.

Toonies for Tummies | Food Bloggers of Canada

"Social is a big part of this year's Toonies for Tummies campaign, especially with food bloggers, influencers, and moms. We know they have a passion for food and know how important it is all Canadian children have access to nutrition daily, especially before and during school. We're very pleased with the incremental exposure our partnership with FBC has brought to the campaign and hope the entire FBC membership rally's behind Toonies. Every tweet and conversation helps to feed a tummy.” Michelle Scott, Executive Director – Grocery Foundation

RELATED:  Blend & Extend FBC2014 Appetizer Spotlight Contest

As a thank you for your donation, the campaign has increased involvement with their partners representing Canada’s grocery industry so those who donate will receive a coupon booklet from various sponsors. Let that toonie work for you!

TFT 2015 Coupon Book Cover ON front

A major thank you to the Toonies For Tummies Retail Partners that allow for all of this to happen!

Chesley Grocery Store Colemans Concord Food Centre
Co-Op Atlantic Coppas Fresh Market Fiesta Foods
Food Basics Foodland Freshco
Galati Market Fresh Galleria Supermarket Highland Farms
Longo’s Brothers Fruit Market Metro Ontario Michael-Angelo’s
Mike Deans Super Foods Stores Oak Ridges Food Market Powell’s Supermarkets
Price Chopper Rabba Fine Foods Sobeys
SunRipe Farms Urban Fresh

 And another huge thank you to the manufacturer supporters that assist Toonies for Tummies and will be providing some great coupon savings!

A. Lassonde Burnbrae Farms Campbell Co. of Canada
Canada Bread Catelli Foods Corp. ConAgra Foods
HighLiner Foods Kraft Canada Mondelez Canada Inc
Nestle Canada Inc. Olymel SEC Parmalat Canada
PepsiCo Beverages PepsiCo Foods Scotsburn Dairy Group
Tree of Life Canada Ultima Foods Weston Bakeries Limited
Wrigley Canada

Don’t forget to follow @GroceryFndtn & tweet using #Toonies4Tummies and let's fill those tummies!

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