Monthly Canadian Food Blog Income Reports with the Food Gays

We’re back with Month 4 of the monthly blog income reports from The Food Gays.  Adrian and Jeremy reported in with their latest month results from August 1 - August 31

Summer is tough for all bloggers - the weather is nice, things are more laid back and we all just want to be out with family and friends and give ourselves a break and the Food Gays were no different.  Adrian talks about their struggles this month with feeling burned out and needing time off.

We’ll let you check out the rest of their progress for yourself over on their blog with their latest Blogging Income Report – Month 4.  It's a great opportunity to share how you all battle that blogger slump that we all know so well.

We'll be back next month to check in on both of them and see if they're feeling a little more re-energized with the fall approaching!

For more tips on how to monetize your food blog, check out our review of  How To Monetize Your Food Blog, by Kiersten Frase.


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One Comment

carole brown

I so appreciate their honesty. I find it so frustrating that we only hear from really successful bloggers who tell us to get paid what we are worth etc etc and nobody EVER gives hard numbers. The few times I read real numbers they are so far from the average bloggers experience, they might as well be in latin lol. At this point, blogs with 50K montly visits making $5k a month in revenue is something I can’t even envision so my hats off to The Food Gays for telling it like it is for the little guys.

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