FBC Members are becoming down right prolific with their book writing!  And we couldn't be happier to see so much writing talent making the leap to print.  This week, we celebrate another book launch - this time it's Ottawa Food - A Hungry Capital.  And we have some copies to give away!
Ottawa Food Book Giveaway | Food Bloggers of Canada

If you have spent much time on the Canadian food blogging scene then you will absolutely be aware of the dynamic duo of Don Chow and Jen Lim from Ottawa, better known as FoodiePrints!  If a trip to Ottawa is in the works then you need to stop by their blog.  In no time at all you will have a list of suggestions on where to eat as long as your arm and will be considering a second trip.

We've been working with Don & Jen as part of our Restaurant Roundup Crew since it's inception and we know they know their stuff.  So it was no surprise to find out that they had a book in the works about our capital's food scene.

Here's a taste of what you'll find in Ottawa Food - A Hungry Capital:

During the past 20 years the food scene in Ottawa has changed from a landscape of pub grub-driven dining to a vibrant environment for trendy eateries and forward-thinking chefs. The once bland and mundane culinary culture has been transformed, and the result is an array of destination restaurants and purveyors of high-quality food and drink products. Many of these new and successful players leverage the nearby farms — nearly 2,000 in total — and artisan food makers that can provide a huge range of ingredients and possibilities.

Ottawa Food - A Hungry Capital officially goes on sale on October 11th but thanks to Don & Jen and the kind folks at Dundurn Press (the same team that recently released Tiffany Mayer's new book, Niagara Food: A Flavourful History of the Peninsula's Bounty!) we have 5 copies to give away.

RELATED:  Featured Blog: Toronto Tasting Notes

All you need to do is leave a comment about why you would like to visit Ottawa.  You can enter through rafflecopter and have a chance for additional entries.

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I’d love to visit Ottawa… because I’ve never been! And because now I’ve heard about their amazing food. Of course.


I live here, but I don’t visit downtown often – I always learn something new when visiting the downtown! A beautiful city we should all be proud of!

Rubby N.

I’d like to go for all the specialty food trucks (just one of the so many other culinary reasons)! 😀


It would be nice to have a day at the museums and parliament then explore the food options at night!

Linda Matarasso

I follow Foodie Prints on Instagram and I would love to check out their new book. I have been to Ottawa and could have used a book like this when I was there.

Charmian - The Messy Baker

I haven’t been to Ottawa in far too long. I love Foodie Prints and order the Really Horrible Vanilla (it’s not horrible at all! It’s fabulous!) from them. If this book is half as good as their products, it will be a real winner.

Cathy Lin

There are so many attractions I would like to visit in Ottawa – Winterlude, Canadian Tulip Festival, Rideau Canal, just to name a few. Given its multidiversity, it would also be an adventure to explore its food scene 🙂


I live here and love exploring the festivals and all of the culture there is in town. You can always find something interesting to do on the weekends here


It’s been more than 15 years since I last visited Ottawa, long before I considered myself a food enthusiast. I would like to go back to our country capital, not only to go sightseeing, but also to explore the food scene there!

Alex Bielak

I’d love to get back to Ottawa soon. It is where the HQ of my employer (the feds) was and I have many friends there. On a recent visit I ate at Rene Rodrigues resto (Navarra) and would like to explore/return to places like Side Door, Whalesbone and the fabulous Atelier.


I have never been to Ottawa but it is for sure on my “To Explore” list. Not only for the sightseeing but for the growing food scene now hitting the area. Everyone who visit’s has nothing but great stories and hearing them reminds me that there is still so much for me to see in my own country !

Andrea lee

Would love to visit Ottawa again! I used to live there and I miss downtown and the my fave restaurants and the scenery, especially the canal! I would love to explore all the new restaurants that have gone up in the past years!


I live in Ottawa, but since our three kids were born, my wife and I hardly ever get a chance to ‘visit’, let alone experience good food in this beautiful city. Would love to read about some of the restaurant options in this book.

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