FBC Featured Member: The Endless Meal | Food Bloggers of Canada

Name: Kristen Stevens

Blog name: The Endless Meal

Where were you born? Kelowna, BC

Where are you living now? Vancouver, BC

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog on a bit of a whim. I was looking to change careers and was interested in the food industry. At the time, I thought having a blog might give me some food related credentials. I had no idea the blog itself would become my job!

How did you decide on your blog name?

Sometimes I wish I had given my blog’s name a little more thought. I’ve never been one to mull over things for long, and I chose the name pretty quickly. I spent an evening typing possible names into a URL checker and The Endless Meal was my favourite of the ones that were available.

What do you blog about?

My blog focuses on easy to make and healthy recipes.  My goal is to inspire people to get in the kitchen and cook. While there are many different ideas about what ‘healthy’ is, to me it means using real, whole ingredients and cooking from scratch. I find that often people are intimidated by cooking and think healthy can’t be delicious. On my blog, I like to show people that they can easily cook healthy meals that their whole family will love.

Is your blog your business, your hobby or something in between?

Last year, I decided to make the leap and turn my blog into a full-time business. It was great timing for me personally as my daughter was born in May so I was no longer able to run my supper club. (I ran an underground restaurant for 5 years called The Endless Meal Supper Club.) When I started the blog, it was a hobby. Once I realized I could make some money from it, I started working towards it becoming a full-time business.

What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why?

FBC Featured Member: The Endless Meal | Food Bloggers of Canada

Almond Chocolate Nice Cream

This recipe nails everything I focus on with my blog: it’s easy to make, it’s heathy, and (perhaps most importantly) it’s delicious.

While I’ve always loved eating healthy, now that I’m a mom, it’s extra important to me. This recipe lets us enjoy a super delicious treat while feeding our bodies good food. It’s hard not to love that!

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

FBC Featured Member: The Endless Meal | Food Bloggers of Canada

No Yo Mama’s Pork Chops and Mushroom Soup

One of my favorite things to do is to take a traditional recipe and give it a healthy makeover. Few things make me happier then when that makeover ends up as a spot on replica with totally new ingredients.

This recipe tastes exactly like my childhood fav only it’s made with healthy in ingredients. It’s also crazy easy to make. I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews from the people who make it and who I serve it to, I just wish more people made it. Trust me, you want to. 🙂

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

FBC Featured Member: The Endless Meal | Food Bloggers of Canada

Creamy Coconut Lentil Curry

This is the most viewed, commented on, and shared recipe on my blog. But … it’s lentils! I had no idea that mushy brown lentils would be such a hit. I mean, you have to admit, lentils are kind of weird. I personally love them, but I had no idea so many other people would as well.

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

My biggest challenge is the tech side of blogging. Creating recipes, taking photos, making videos, writing, and connecting with readers are all awesome. Trying to figure out why my website is running slower than normal or acting funny in some way ... that’s not fun at all.

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What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a blogger?

That bloggers are seriously awesome people. It’s true! There’s a comradery between bloggers that I never would have expected. Bloggers are always willing to lend a hand and help each other out. There’s not the competitiveness associated with traditional business.

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them? 

There are so many great blogs out there! Here are just a few of my favs:

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

FBC Featured Member: The Endless Meal | Food Bloggers of Canada

Crispy Eggplant Fries with Chipotle Aioli

There’s no way I can choose just one favourite food! How about a food group? I’ve always loved appetizers. When I was a kid, my mom used to make ‘appetizer dinners’ where she’s make a whole bunch of appies and we would sit around in the living room talking and eating for hours. It’s still my favourite way to have dinner.

I know that eggplant fries don’t exactly sound amazing, but they are. I’ve made them for super skeptics and they vanished from their plates then begged for seconds. Don’t knock ‘em till you try ‘em!

What are you working on next for your blog?

Since becoming a mom last year, I’ve had lots of experience with cooking for and feeding a little person. While my blog is not kid-focused, I’m toying with the idea of talking more about my experiences with a baby at the table. That’s still in the thinking about it stage, though. Is that something you would be interested in hearing more about?

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

I haven’t updated my blog’s About Me page in a long time, but what I wrote there still holds true. My love for bacon, mint ice cream, and my granny’s apple pie is still as strong as ever.

What makes your blog unique?

I think the focus on easy to make and healthy recipes is unique. There are lots of family-centered food blogs with easy to make recipes, but they’re often not healthy. There are also lots of healthy food blogs, but many times the recipes are more complicated.

People visit The Endless Meal knowing that they’ll find simple, everyday recipes that are both healthy and delicious.

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

As a foodie, I love the FBC recipe roundups. There’re so many great Canadian bloggers and it’s awesome to see what everyone is cooking. As a blogger, the resource section is very useful. I have read (and reread) all of the post on accounting and taxes. They’re so helpful!

Follow Kristen and The Endless Meal on Social Media

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One Comment

Robyn Gleason

This is a great interview with the talented Kristen! I’ve been a long time fan of her creative recipes and beautiful photography. Getting healthy dishes on the table with a minimum of fuss is a goal of mine as well and that is why Kristen has been so inspirational. She is always coming up with the unexpected!
Love this!

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