FBC Weekly News for June 9, 2014 | Food Bloggers of Canada
A new contributor to the FBC Flickr Food Group, Kitchen Heals Soul with Honey Kissed Strawberry Crumble. Join our group to have your photo featured in our weekly news!

This week's news is brought to you by McCormick's On-line Cookoff. Join in the fun on their facebook page and you could win $2000!

Last week we hit another milestone - our 1400th FBC Member.  We just wanted to say, once again, a big thank you to all our members for being so supportive and helping us strengthen the food blogging community in Canada.  On to 1500! (What a cool number that would be to make before FBC2014!)

Don't Forget! Tasty Turkey Twitter Party - June 11th

Don't forget, we'll be tweeting up a storm with FBC2014 Gold Sponsor, Tasty Turkey on Wednesday! Our lovely co-hosts for the evening will be Michelle Peters-Jones of the Tiffin Box and Kelly Brisson of The Gouda Life. If you haven't already RSVP'd you're going to want to - we're going to be talking turkey - grilling turkey.  So bring your best turkey grilling ideas, get ready for some chatting and of course... prizes!  But you've gotta RSVP to join in!

Blog Giveaways

Carol over at the Yum Yum Factor is giving away a basket of Italian goodies courtesy of San Pellegrino.  You can enter to win by visiting her blog.

If you do blog giveaways regularly and you're an FBC Primary Member, check out our private Facebook group just for blog post giveaways, link parties, recipe roundups and pinterest group boards.

The Week Ahead

We have lots of great stuff coming your way this week - it's a packed with something for everyone!

  • Tuesday - Butter Chicken Poutine with Delta Faucets
  • Tuesday - The Summer Grilling Roundup
  • Wednesday - Summer Trends in Tabletop Food Photography Styling (you will NOT want to miss this one!)
  • Wednesday - Tasty Turkey Twitter Party (6pm PT/9PM ET)
  • Thursday - Pin It Thursday: Cold Drinks
  • Thursday - Canada's Craft Beer: Western Edition
  • Friday - Featured Blogger
  • Saturday - The Spice Box - Exploring Black Pepper
RELATED:  Weekly News for August 12th, 2013

New Members

A warm welcome to all our new members this week - we're happy to have you join us!

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always,

Melissa and Ethan

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