French Fridays with Dorie Ispahn Loaf
Ispahan loaf from Mardi Michels from eat. live. travel. write. in the FBC flickr group

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

It's been a busy week for us here at FBC as we slowly get back to "real life" after the fun that was FBC2013. We've been busy wrapping up things on our end, seeking feedback and debriefing the weekend so the news is going to be short and sweet this week.

Foodie Pages members only contest

Over in the Members' Only area we have a wonderful contest brought to you by FoodiePages.  In celebration of the launch of their new TASTING BOX, and FBC present the TASTING BOX Inspiration Contest. We are challenging food bloggers across Canada to create a dish or recipe that is “inspired” by any of the delicious foods included in the first TASTING BOX, and asking them to write about your inspired recipe on your blog. Check out all the details in the members' Only post here.

Eat Street cookbook winner!

Congrats to Asiya Baig who won the Members' Only Eat Street Cookbook giveaway! We'll be in touch soon with all the details of how to claim your prize!

FBC2013 recap posts - a roundup

We see a lot of our attendees have been busy writing up their experiences so we've compiled a roundup of the posts so far. You can check out FBC2013 attendees' posts  about the conference here.  If you wrote a recap and it's not in the list, please let us know and we will add it in. If you write one in the coming week(s), please do the same - we'd love to have them all in one place for easy reference.

RELATED:  Weekly News for December 30th, 2013

FBC2013 photos on Flickr

If you attended FBC2013 and have pictures to share,  you can add them to the FBC2013 group pool on Flickr.

FBC2013 Delta Faucets offer

Bloggers who attended FBC2013, don't forget to submit your selection for the Delta® kitchen faucet with Touch2O® Technology on or before Friday, May 3rd, 2013. You should have received an email from Krystin at Delta earlier this week.

FBC2013 Blurb Books offer

Bloggers who attended FBC2013 are reminded to use the Blurb Books coupon from the swag bag by May 31st 2013.

New members

We've had a whole lot of new members recently - and we're approaching the magic 1000!  We'll get you all listed for next week!

Remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your submissions directly to Melissa.


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I have not yet received an email from Krystin at Delta. I do believe my email address is incorrect. I made an email correction this weekend through the FBC contact section of the site. If there is an problems let me know.



A Canadian Foodie

I hadn’t received mine, either, but Helene from SuperKitchenMachines sent me hers, and I filled it out that way. I did check my spam, but it wasn’t there. I am sure that worked as it asked for my website information and all specific questions that she will received when getting my form.
This was a wild bit of swag! We are renovating our kitchen – not the cabinets, but replacing the counters, sinks, etc… and I actually had one of these very taps installed the Tuesday before the conference. I am all over it and cannot wait to get the post out… but the kitchen is still such a mess, I can’t get an image I will let go public, yet!
Thanks to Delta and to the three of you for taking on such and incredible ask…and I cannot say enough about how much I love this tap!


Hi Sherrie, I’ll check with Delta on Monday. Check your spam folder. It would have gone to the same email you used to purchase your FBC2013 ticket.

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