Every week we pull together some great recipes from Canadian food bloggers around the web featuring one main ingredient.  This week, we visit asparagus!

Over 20 Ways to Eat Asparagus | Food Bloggers of Canada

Fresh, local asparagus is one of the first signs of spring in Canada and while you can get asparagus year round in the grocery stores from warmer climes, nothing beats the taste of these locally harvested stems.

You can actually grow your own asparagus - it's not hard but it does take a little planning because it's a perennial plant (meaning it will return every year in your garden!) but it's not mature enough to harvest until you've grown it for 3-4 years.  Check out our guide on how to Grow Your Own Asparagus if you love this veggie as much as we do and want to give it a go.

Asparagus season is short in Canada so make the most of it while you can with the over 20 recipe ideas here from tarts to salads to dips and more!

21 Asparagus Recipe Ideas | Food Bloggers of Canada

21 Asparagus Recipes

By Food Bloggers of Canada

  • Asparagus White Bean Pesto Pasta

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    Asparagus White [Asparagus White Bean Pesto Pasta](http://www.livinglou.com/2014/05/asparagus-white-bean-pesto-pasta.html) from Louisa at **Living Lou**.

  • Vegan Omelette with Asparagus, Spinach and "Cheese"

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Vegan Omelette with Asparagus, Spinach and 'Cheese'](http://avirtualvegan.com/vegan-omelette/) from Melanie at **A Virtual Vegan**.

  • Asparagus and Goat Cheese Tart

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus and Goat Cheese Tart](http://bethdunham.ca/updatesnews/2015/5/23/asparagus-goat-cheese-tart) from Beth at **Beth Dunham Photography**.

  • Shrimp & Asparagus with Pork & Broccoli Stir Fry

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Shrimp & Asparagus with Pork & Broccoli Stir Fry](http://joandsue.blogspot.ca/2014/10/shrimp-asparagus-with-pork-broccoli.html) from Jo and Sue at **JoandSue.com**

  • Spinach Salad with Asparagus and Maple Pecans

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Spinach Salad with Asparagus and Maple Pecans](http://www.officiallyglutenfree.com/2014/04/spinach-salad-with-asparagus-and-maple-pecans/) from Lyndsay at **Officially Gluten Free**.

  • Asparagus Quiche

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus Quiche](http://myislandbistrokitchen.com/2015/06/17/asparagus-quiche/) from Barbara at **My Island Bistro Kitchen**.

  • Asparagus and Spinach Quiche with Spelt Crust

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus and Spinach Quiche With Spelt Crust](http://www.eyecandypopper.com/meatless-monday-asparagus-and-spinach-quiche-with-spelt-crust-dairy-free-option/) (dairy free option too!) from **Eyecandypopper**.

  • Sautéed Lemon Garlic Asparagus

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Sautéed Lemon Garlic Asparagus](http://www.shelovesbiscotti.com/sauteed-lemon-garlic-asparagus-recipe/) from **Maria at She Loves Biscotti**.

  • Asparagus and Onion Frittata

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus and Onion Frittata](http://urbancottagelife.com/2014/05/26/letting-simple-flavours-shine-❦-asparagus-onion-frittata/) from Marlene at **Urban Cottage Life**.

  • Chorizo, Asparagus and Goat Cheese Pizza

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Chorizo, Asparagus and Goat Cheese Pizza](http://www.mykitchenlove.com/chorizo-asparagus-and-goats-cheese-pizza/) from Sam at **My Kitchen Love**.

  • Orzo Salad With Peas and Asparagus

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Orzo Salad with Peas and Asparagus](http://365daysofeasyrecipes.com/2015/02/21/10-orzo-salad-with-peas-asparagus/) from Diana at **365 Days of Easy Recipes**.

  • Simple Wild Asparagus

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    Simple Wild Asparagus from Colleen at **The Food Blog**.

  • Asparagus Dip

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus Dip](http://withinthekitchen.blogspot.ca/2011/04/asparagus-dip.html) from Christine at **Within The Kitchen**.

  • White Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [White Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce](http://www.nurmalkosten.com/en/asparagus-in-everyday-life/) from Franziska at **Nurmalkosten**.

  • Asparagus and Avocado Sushi Bowl

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus and Avocado Sushi Bowl](https://tastespace.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/sushi-bowl-with-asparagus-and-avocado/) from Janet at **The Taste Space**.

  • Arugula & Asparagus Penne Pasta

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Arugula and Asparagus Penne Pasta](http://www.juliascuisine.com/home/arugula-asparagus-penne-pasta) from Julia at **Julia's Cuisine**.

  • Grilled Asparagus Risotto

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Grilled Asparagus Risotto](http://www.sugarlovespices.com/grilled-asparagus-risotto/) from **Sugar, Love, Spices**.

  • Asparagus, Soft Boiled Egg & Dukkah Tartine

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus, Soft Boiled Egg & Dukkah Tartine](http://foodnouveau.com/recipes/vegetarian/asparagus-soft-boiled-egg-and-dukkah-tartine/) from Marie at **Food Nouveau**.

  • Asparagus with Poached Eggs

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus with Poached Eggs](http://sheeats.ca/2014/06/pan-asparagus-poached-eggs/) from Kristy at **She Eats**.

  • Asparagus Salad with Smoked Salmon

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus Salad with Smoked Salmon and Miso Sesame Vinaigrette](http://www.flavourandsavour.com/asparagus-salad-smoked-salmon-sesame-miso-vinaigrette/) from Elaine at **Flavour and Savour**.

  • Asparagus Gruyere Tart

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    [Asparagus Gruyere Tart](http://clockwatchingtart.blogspot.ca/2014/05/tart-of-month-asparagus-gruyere.html) from Jen at **Clockwatching Tart**.

RELATED:  FBC Weekend Links for October 17, 2015

A big thank you to all our FBC Members who participated in this weekend's asparagus recipe roundup.

If you're an FBC Member and would like to submit to future weekend link roundups, join our FBC Facebook shares and links forum.

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One Comment

Taylor Reed

This collection of asparagus recipes is awesome. Now, this will be added to more collection and bookmarked it. To be honest, I was losing ideas on how to create recipes with asparagus but this list is such a savior I don’t have to think more. But for sure, I will experiment more.

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