FBC Featured Member: Rosalyn Gambhir | Food Bloggers of Canada

Name: Rosalyn Gambhir

Blog name and URL: Rosalyn Gambhir

Where were you born? I was born in la belle province of Quebec and grew up in Montreal.

Where are you living now? After graduating from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, I choose to stay in the city that helped me become the person I am today.

Why did you start your blog?

My blog came to be as a stress reliever and turned into a creative outlet in my final year of university. As I was struggling with school, I ventured outside the campus bubble and discovered the friendly and wonderful culinary scene of Kingston. It changed my outlook on life as a love for food quickly developed and I simply had to share my foodie adventures with others. I started connecting with Kingstonians and soon became a trusted source for all things foodie in the area.

How did you decide on your blog name?

I am who I am because of my name and so I just stuck with it as a blog name.  

What do you blog about?

I make it a point to capture all things pretty, tasty and best of all, local foodie moments on my blog through my staycation adventurers in Kingston and surrounding areas.

What post are you most proud of and why?

FBC Featured Member: Rosalyn Gambhir | Food Bloggers of Canada

I am most proud of the post where I captured The Great Canadian Cheese Festival 2014 with my very first DSLR camera. It was both a learning experience but a pleasure as well as I’m a cheese lover. I compiled a photo diary of my favourite shots.

Which post do you wish received more love and why? 

FBC Featured Member: Rosalyn Gambhir | Food Bloggers of Canada

I’ve become quite the so called foodie in Kingston and have had wonderful opportunities arise. One of them being part of You Gotta Eat Here! when the show visited my go-to local burger joint in town, Harper’s Burger Bar. I remember constantly watching the Food Network as a university student during my downtime and finding inspiration for my next dinner dish watching this show. Meeting John Catucci was truly a blessing and made me realize that hard work does pay off.

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

FBC Featured Member: Rosalyn Gambhir | Food Bloggers of Canada

Trying to find the perfect sweet treat in Kingston? Cheesecakes, hot bevies, the options are endless at Sipps Coffee & Dessert Bar. The post I was most surprised with was the one where I wrote about Sipps new cake of the month - Mars Bar Chocolate Cheesecake Cake. Sounds decadent right?! It was my first time photographing something other than a meal and was stunned when others were salivating over the pictures.

RELATED:  Countdown to the Holidays Day 17 with Shut Up and Eat

What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without?

Typical answer but my iPhone – it allows me to stay connected on social media, snap pictures on the go and it’s of course quite handy keeping in touch with friends and family sharing highlights about my blog.

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without?

The ultimate kitchen gadget I can’t live without is a pepper grinder – fresh ground pepper is my weakness.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe?

That’s an easy one – mac n cheese! I’m very much into comfort food and supporting local Canadian cheesemakers. Some of my favorite mac n cheese dishes in Kingston can be found in this post.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

Through blogging, I discovered I had a knack for photography (or so I think) and with this added talent under my belt, I’m now out exploring the local foodie scene, promoting the area’s chefs and restaurants, and cooking up a storm with my handy dandy camera as well as working through a foodie bucket list of eateries across Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.

What makes your blog unique?

I am all about sharing the stories of what makes other foodies, restaurateurs and entrepreneurs unique. I started a Taste of Kingston series doing just this.

Connect with Rosalyn on Social Media

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