FBC Featured Member: Un Assagio

Name: Meaghan Carey

Blog name: Un Assaggio

Where were you born? Richmond, BC

Where are you living now? Edmonton, Alberta

Why did you start your blog?

Newly married and in the middle of a PhD I wanted a creative outlet to write for fun, plus I thought sharing food would help me stay motivated and excited to cook dinner each night.

How did you decide on your blog name?

Un Assaggio means ‘a taste‘ in Italian. It was one of the most useful phrases I learned while visiting Italy, how else would I ask for samples of gelato, cheese and cured meats?! When I was thinking about starting a blog the word provided inspiration as I wanted to share a taste of my life as a (new) wife, a home cook, a student of wine, and a traveller.

What do you blog about?

I blog about food, wine & marriage.

Is your blog your business, your hobby or something in between?

It definitely started as a hobby, but it has transitioned to something in between at the moment. In the future you never know!

What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why?

FBC Featured Member: Un Assagio

The blog post that most encapsulates me is perhaps my Spiced Scallops with Braised Balsamic Cabbage & Bacon recipe. The post is about a few mistakes and a few mishaps, it is about how I’m still figuring out what it means to be a wife, and touches on the influence my family has on my life. The post is about being a work in progress, and being okay with that if I can eat delicious scallops.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

FBC Featured Member: Un Assagio

I wish my Seelbach Cocktail post had received a bit more love. A cocktail that marries bourbon and champagne definitely deserves a little attention… or at least I thought so!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

FBC Featured Member: Un Assagio

My recipe for Baked Beans completely surprised me! Actually this post almost didn’t happen, I did not think my readers would be interested in beans. I decided to photography the beans on a whim as we headed out to a BBQ. After a few requests for the recipe I decided to post the recipe as an easy way to share with friends. It doesn’t get any simpler than baked beans, but the recipe is prepared in an Instant Pot so I’m sure that has something to do with the success of the post.

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

It is a bit cliche but I have to say time. My biggest challenge is finding the time to create something I love. I want to share stories and food that represent me and my life in an authentic manner. Perhaps I’m a bad blogger but I never write a post, just to post something new.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a blogger?

To not compare yourself to anyone else. Whatever you are doing is unique and awesome, so do not worry about what anyone else is doing. This was a tough one for me, as my blog transitioned from a hobby I became too focused on comparing my blog, my recipes, my photography to what other bloggers were doing. In that moment I completely fell out of love with my blog. It took a minute but I learned to focus on what I’m doing and stop trying to change my style to fit what I saw others doing.

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?

I love blogs that tell stories and are beautifully written, for me it is the carefully crafted words that draws me back to a blog. My favourite food blog has always been Smitten Kitchen - I adore how Deb Perelman welcomes readers into her world with witty and genuine stories. Hearing her share her journey as a blogger and writer at FBC2016 was amazing!

RELATED:  FBC Featured Member: The Lemon Apron

There are so many wonderful FBC member blogs (too many to mention all!) but I feel a connection to SugarLovesSpices. Nicoletta and Loreto share their marriage, lives and passions with their readers so beautifully. Not to mention their recipes are always delicious!

For fun I love How To Feed A Loon their video’s and recipes are fabulously delightful!

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

My favourite food is definitely pasta - any shape, any kind. I love all pasta equally. It can be comforting, quick meal on a Wednesday night, and it can be indulgent treat with a little extra time and care on a Saturday night.

Currently I am living in Edmonton, but home for me is Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. There are so many delicious destinations at home it is hard to pick just one (check my FBC Where To Eat guide), but my favourite is probably The Bite House just outside of Baddeck. It is a small seasonal restaurant that will delight you, Food & Wine recently recognized it as one of ten Canada’s Best - and Most Uniquely Canadian - Restaurants. If you find yourself on Cape Breton Island, I hope you have the good fortune to be welcomed for dinner at The Bite House.

What are you working on next for your blog?

I am working on updating older posts so each recipe has a wine pairing. And I am hoping to add videos or start a YouTube channel to compliment my blog, which may have more of a wine focus.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

Interestingly my “About Me” doesn’t share that I am what my parents and friends affectionally call a ‘long-term student’. I am in the finishing stages of a PhD - which is what brought me to Edmonton - and have started to pursue wine education courses, I completed WSET Level 3. It also doesn’t share that I write the Canadian Wine series for FBC - suppose it is time for an update!

What makes your blog unique?

I think what makes my blog unique in the food blogging sphere is that I do offer wine pairing with most (and soon to be all) of my recipes. It is always nice when you are making a meal at home to have a little guidance about which wine is going to compliment your meal.

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

I am always referencing the Technology and SEO’ resources. The articles are so incredibly helpful! I use to think I was good with computers, then I started a blog… The FBC resources have been invaluable as I have navigated creating my own site.


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