FBC Featured Member: Kitchen Vignettes

Name: Aube Giroux

Blog name:   Kitchen Vignettes

Where were you born?  Montreal

Where are you living now?  I divide my time between Nova Scotia and Maine

Why did you start your blog?

I started blogging because I wanted to create cooking videos that were different from what I was seeing online, videos that were more inspirational and less informational, that made the link between garden and table, showing the harvest as well as the recipe. I also felt that blogging was a perfect marriage of my passions: cooking, photography, making videos, and writing.

How did you decide on your blog name?

Each video on my blog is like a little vignette from my garden and kitchen so Kitchen Vignettes seemed like a fitting name.

What do you blog about?

Generally, I share a new recipe in each blogpost, often accompanied by a video. I often share about personal stories, explaining why the recipe has significance for me, but I also write about nutrition, cooking tips, and the politics of how certain foods get to our dinner table.

What post are you most proud of and why?

I am most proud of my post and video about Lemon Honey Polenta Cake and Rachel Parent because it combines one of my most loved recipes with a food issue that is very dear to my heart: the labeling of GMO foods. Rachel Parent is a 14-year old GMO labeling activist and the interview she gave for my video just blew my mind. We made the cake together and sourced entirely non-GMO ingredients to make it.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

FBC Featured Member: Kitchen Vignettes

As part of my work for PBS Food, I created 12 new videos last year. The one which received the least views, Rye Blueberry Cookies, was actually one of my personal favorites because my boyfriend and I grow and mill many of our own grains and the video shows how easy it is to harvest rye berries from the field and in a few easy steps turn them into flour to make cookies.

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

RELATED:  Featured member blog: unsweetened.ca

FBC Featured Member: Kitchen Vignettes
I was surprised that a very personal post about my mom's passing and her Christmas recipe for Baba au Rhum received as much attention as it did. At the time, my blog was new and not very well-known and that video blogpost was very much a labour of love, something I wanted to do personally to honor and remember my mom. I was shocked when the video ended up winning Saveur Magazine's Best Food Blog Award in the video category in 2012 and went on to become one of my most viewed and successful blogposts.

What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without?

I am generally not much of a gadget person but I'm a wreck if don't have my camera with me at all times!

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without?

A coffee grinder. Funnily enough, I'm not a coffee drinker, but I use my coffee grinder for everything from freshly grinding flax seeds to almonds to spices.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe?

FBC Featured Member: Kitchen Vignettes

My all-time most favorite food is maple syrup pie. You can find the recipe on my blog here.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

When I am just cooking for myself, I often eat fairly unusual foods (and easy-to-make) like fried eggs and sauerkraut (my current favorite) or sardine sandwiches.

What makes your blog unique?

It's hard for me to say, but probably the videos and farm-to-table approach.

** editor's note - congratulations to Aube on her nomination for a 2014 James Beard award!

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