The country is slowly starting to thaw out and spring is en route - thank goodness!
Blog Your Way To Kelowna 2015 Short List Announcement
We're very pleased to share with you the short list announcement for the Blog Your Way to Kelowna 2015 writing competition. The winner of this competition will receive a full pass to the excellent Okanagan Food and Wine Writers' Workshop as well as airfare to Kelowna, BC. The quality of the writing in this shortlist is outstanding and we encourage you to read the posts - we're sure you'll recognize a few of the names on the list and be introduced to some new names as well. And we think you will love the stories of that capture food in Canada from 5 completely different viewpoints. Congrats to all the finalists!
Enjoy A Foodie Tour of Ireland with Carolyne of Ginger & Nutmeg
Luscious Ireland has long been a destination for golfers, gardeners and Guinness lovers. Did you know that it is also a destination for foodies? With nine Michelin-starred restaurants in the Republic of Ireland, there is more to the food scene than Irish stew. Join the Vagabond International on their Explore Ireland Tour Sept 26 – Oct 3, 2015 to experience some Irish culture, sample local artisanal foods, and gawk at the scenery.
The FBC Food Lovers Newsletter
We're very excited to announce the launch of our newest newsletter - the FBC Food Lovers Newsletter. Our other newsletters are for FBC Members only but this one is going to be for anyone and everyone who just loves great food.
Twice a month we'll be featuring great posts from FBC members, some of our favourite food instagram accounts, great recipe finds on pinterest, some of the food highlights on FBC over the last few weeks, as well as occasional delicious offers from some of our partners.
You don't have to be an FBC Member to join - you just have to love food! All you have to do is click here to subscribe!
New Members
A warm welcome to our newest batch of Canadian food bloggers. We're glad to have you join us!
- With A Wooden Spoon (ON)
- Menoum.co (ON)
- P'tite Cuisine (QC)
- The Busy Baker (MB)
- 6ixSENSES (ON)
- Au Nord MTL (QC)
- 2 Gays, 1Eats (ON)
- SarahBellum (ON)
- Well Done Chef! (QC)
- Simply Sonya (ON)
- Photos And Food (ON)
- Imagelicious (ON)
- Salt & Saffron (ON)
- Little Kitchen. Big World (ON)
- But First, Let's Eat (AB)
- Real Men Eat Quiche (ON)
- Planet Janet Kitchen (NS)
And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it. To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time. You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.
As always, Ethan & Melissa
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