Getting to Know Coriander & Cilantro is part of FBC's The Spice Box series, where we aim to help you build a well stocked herb and spice cabinet that takes your cooking to the next level! Cilantro and coriander are the same... but different. Read on to find out more!

The Spice Box | Getting To Know Coriander | Food Bloggers of Canada

Latin Name: Coriandrum sativum

What is Cilantro Used For?

Coriander seeds and fresh coriander – which is perhaps better known in North America by its Spanish name, cilantro – are staples in cuisines all over the world.

Coriander is one of those ingredients that's both a herb and a spice. In many recipes, the ingredient coriander will often refer to the seeds (the spice) and cilantro will often refer to the fresh leaves (the herb).

Primarily a Middle Eastern and Mediterranean herb and spice, coriander has also been embraced by Asian and South Asian cuisines.

Cilantro (the fresh leaves) is used frequently in many dips, sauces, and dressings - particularly chutneys and salsas. It's also a common ingredient in Vietnamese cuisine and in cuisines from parts of central Asia and India. It's commonly used in soups and as a garnish or marinade for chicken and sometimes fish.

Coriander seeds are one of the oldest spices in the world, and are commonly found in spice blends like garam masala or in curries. It's a very popular ingredient in Indian cuisines. Roasted coriander seeds are also sometimes eaten as a snack

In Europe, you can find whole coriander seeds being used as an ingredient in pickling recipes, rye bread and in sausage making. They're also used when brewing certain types of beer!

The largest producers and commercial exporters of coriander are Russia, India, North Africa and (surprisingly) Holland.

Flavour Profile of Coriander (Herb and Spice):

The flavours of coriander as a herb and as a spice are varied.

As a herb,  cilantro has variously been experienced as fresh, clean, bright, and sometimes even 'soapy'. It's one of those herbs that people either love or can't stand, and studies have shown that there might be a genetic link to this.

Coriander seeds have a slightly different profile: highly aromatic, warm and nutty with a hint of citrus.

How to Grow and Use Fresh Cilantro:

Cilantro is a surprisingly easy herb to grow in your garden, and it grows well in cooler weather. It can be started from seed or bought in a herb planter, and the best time to grow it is early in the spring (if growing outside) or late in the autumn (if indoors). It grows well indoors, and can be harvested all year round. It does have a tendency to 'bolt' or flower and go to seed during warm weather, so make sure that you keep harvesting it constantly.

The whole plant is edible. Keep the roots for Thai curry pastes and the leaves as a garnish for all sorts of dishes. The flowers look pretty as an edible garnish as well, and the seeds can be dried to use as a spice.

Cilantro also looks and tastes incredible as a micro-green and is easy to grow in that form as well. It's best to use the mature green leaves, rather than the fluffier tops or the bolted part of the herb, both of which can be bitter.

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How to Use Dried Coriander Seeds:

Coriander seeds come in two varieties, Indian and Moroccan.

Indian coriander seeds are golden and slightly larger than Moroccan coriander seeds, which are a darker brown. They can be used interchangeably, as there is no real difference in flavour between them.

The best way to buy coriander seeds is whole. Coriander is one of those spices that degrades fast once it's been ground, and loses a lot of its flavour as a result. Whole coriander seeds last a lot longer, and can be stored in an airtight container in a dark place.

Coriander seeds can be used raw for a slightly more bitter flavour, but the best way to use them is to dry roast them first. Dry roasting brings out their nutty, warm aroma, and hugely enhances the dish you're using them for.

How To Dry Roast Coriander

  • Heat a heavy-based pan on high heat, and throw the seeds in.
  • Dry roast for about 30 seconds, shaking the pan constantly, until the spice is fragrant.
  • Let it cool before grinding or blending into a spice mix.

Coriander seeds can also be lightly crushed in a mortar and pestle and added to various recipes. When using ground or whole coriander in a curry, a simple rule of thumb is to always use twice as much as cumin, for the best flavour.

Health Benefits and Non-Culinary Uses of Cilantro and Coriander Seeds:

Fresh cilantro has a great nutritional profile, being rich in Vitamins K and C, and also a source of calcium, potassium and iron. The plants are also used to treat mild forms of skin inflammation, stomach upsets, anemia and digestive problems. Recent studies have also isolated the salmonella fighting properties of cilantro and coriander. Coriander seeds are a good source of dietary fibre. The seeds are also used in the manufacture of fragrances and essential oils.

Coriander Trivia:

And finally, did you know that the name coriander comes from the Greek word 'koris,' which means 'bug'? Legend has it that unripe coriander smelt like stinkbugs. It was also listed as one of the original ingredients in Coca-Cola!

A Coriander Recipe to Try

The Spice Box | Getting To Know Coriander | Food Bloggers of Canada
Image courtesy Michelle Peters-Jones

I use coriander in pretty much all my Indian curries and spice mix recipes, and it is lovely in this paneer muttar.

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A dish of fresh cilantro leaves


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Leah M @ love me, feed me

I actually just recently learned that coriander and cilantro were the same thing. I once saw fresh coriander in a recipe and had been so confused because I could never find it in the grocery store until I was in England – it all makes much more sense now haha.
I don’t have much experience with coriander, but this post makes me want to try it in allll the things!


I found this crazy fascinating. I usually store my coriander seeds in the fridge as I notice that they get bug infested if I leave it out for a longer period of time. I use fresh coriander, cilantro or ‘kotmir’ is all of my dishes. Last year I made a cilantro burger and my fave thing to make is a green chutney to eat with bread or pakoras!


I would really like to do some research on SPICE in Canada. The way we purchase spice has not changed for so long. The complex dynamic tastes of spice are not well understood. I read this article and loved it. If the article writer or anyone from FBC has a minute to discuss, I would love to be connected.


Eric S.

Indian and moroccan have a VERY different taste profile. If your think there is no difference either you’ve never treated the two side by side, didn’t have the real thing, or had old product where the taste had faded.

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