FBC Weekly News for April 6, 2015
Perfect for Easter - a leg of lamb roast from xiao eats as seen in the FBC Food Photography flickr group

Hello everyone! We trust that you'll all been enjoying a happy long weekend whether you celebrate Easter, Passover or chocolate!

We have lots going on this week but first of all, a big welcome to all our new FBC Members over the last two weeks.  We are now just two shy of being 1800 strong! A big thanks to all of you for making this community a lively and fun one.

FBC2015 Tickets On Sale This Friday!

That's right! Can you believe April 10th is almost here?  Set your alarms for 9am PT/noon ET and grab your Early Bird tickets to join us at FBC2015 in Montreal.  Our full ticket information page will be live later this week but you can get the basics right now by reading our Save the Date announcement.

Well Fed, Flat Broke Giveaway Winner

Congratulation to Elaine Nessman who one a copy of Well Fed, Flat Broke by Emily Wight in our cookbook giveaway.  Melissa will be in touch shortly Elaine, to get your shipping details.  And don't forget, if you live in the Vancouver area you can attend Emily's book launch on Sunday April 19th, from 2-3:30 at Barbara Jo's Books For Cooks (1740 West Second Ave)

New Members

A warm welcome to our newest batch of Canadian food bloggers.  We're glad to have you join us!

RELATED:  FBC Weekly News for September 2, 2013

Members Abroad

Business Members

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always, Ethan & Melissa

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