Getting in a healthy mindset can happen any time of year and that's why we're introducing The 7-Day Smoothie Bowl Challenge Hannah Sunderani brings you a healthy, nutritious and delicious smoothie bowl each day of our challenge to get you in the right frame of mind for a healthier you.  It all starts with just one day (or in this case, 7!)

The Seven Day Smoothie Bowl Challenge | Food Bloggers of Canada
The 7 Day Smoothie Challenge | Food Bloggers of Canada

If getting healthy is on your mind right now, good for you! Food is a great place to start on a healthy journey and it's all about taking small steps that we can manage every day.

Start With A Healthy Breakfast

Introducing the 7-Day Smoothie Bowl Challenge! It’s just what we need to start things out with a healthy top of mind, and it all begins with the first thing we put in our mouth: breakfast! A healthy breakfast can have a BIG impact on the decisions we make throughout the rest of the day. That's why we’re bringing you healthy, nutritious and delicious smoothie bowls for an entire week. Let’s kick that healthy resolution into shape!

Seven Smoothie Bowl Recipes For The Week

You’re going to LOVE these smoothie bowls!

Each smoothie bowl in the challenge is not only tasty and healthful but they're all:

  • vegetarian and vegan
  • dairy free
  • wheat free
  • gluten free
  • soy free!

These smoothie bowls are also packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

You won’t believe just how good nutritious can be. But, not only are these smoothies delicious and nutritious, they’re so easy to make! Simply blend the ingredients, scoop into a bowl and indulge.

Here's what we'll be making over the next seven days:

Your Seven Day Smoothie Bowl Ingredient List

Here is a list of all the ingredients you'll need for the challenge, so you can prep for success!

RELATED:  Allergen-Friendly Remix: Dairy-Free Smoothies

You can share your smoothie bowls with us on Instagram - just be sure hashtag them #FBCigers and #FBCSmoothieChallenge so we can share them on the @foodbloggersca and IG feeds!

I know that 365 days of healthy food choices is a lot to commit to … but seven days? We can all manage that! And this smoothie bowl challenge will help you get the right habits in place for the weeks and months to follow.

You’ll love how healthy and refreshed you feel after this 7-Day Smoothie Bowl Challenge. Now let’s get blending!

More Reading

The 7-Day Smoothie Bowl Challenge is written by Hannah Sunderani. Hannah is a plant-based recipe blogger at Two Spoons. Her love for creating plant-based recipes stems from its benefits to health, humanity, the environment, and taste of course! Hannah is Canadian born, but now lives in France. Her new French life has proved a struggle at times due to the limited vegan community, but the farm-to-table lifestyle offers her an abundance of local, fresh and wholesome ingredients to create beautiful plant-based recipes worth sharing. Join Hannah on social media on Instagram and Pinterest.

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